By defining a second line of two coordinate points, the intercept of those two lines can be calculated and that intercept should be in the approximate location of the stronghold. A second line is needed, so this process should be repeated from another starting location, preferably some long-distance away.

These two points will define a line, in the direction of the stronghold. The method of throwing and following eyes is used as above, but rather than following the eyes to the stronghold, note your initial coordinates, throw eyes several times and follow them, until a next coordinate location 100 or so blocks apart are obtained. The point can be verified by walking in different directions and re-throwing to verify the coordinates to which the eyes consistently float.Ī more efficient means of locating the stronghold is triangulated from two different locations. If it does not shatter, the eye may be retrieved and thrown again. By throwing and following the eyes in this way, the stronghold can be located. It is recommended to travel in the direction the eye floated for a couple of hundred blocks before throwing again so that fewer eyes are lost to shattering. When the stronghold is nearby, the thrown eyes will fall in the same place repeatedly. The most basic method of locating the stronghold is to throw an eye of ender, which will fly for a few blocks in the direction of the nearest stronghold before either dropping to the ground or (20% chance) shattering. Several eyes of ender will most likely be needed in order to locate a stronghold. Locating a strongholdĪ stronghold can be located using eyes of ender which are crafted from an ender pearl and blaze powder.
Sometimes there are already a few eyes of ender in the End portal.Ī tutorial on how to reach the stronghold in Minecraft. When generated after 1.0.0, strongholds also contain a portal room with an inactive End portal which when activated with 12 eyes of ender, can be used to travel to the End. It is also possible for stronghold hallways to extend out into a body of water, allowing for easier detection of the stronghold. It is possible and relatively common for caves, underground ravines, abandoned mineshafts, ocean monuments, and even dungeons to intersect a stronghold. Some of the items commonly found inside a stronghold include coal, apples, string, compasses, paper, books, iron bars, redstone, and sometimes a clock or gold ingots. In addition to the spawner, some of the blocks the stronghold is composed of will spawn silverfish when broken they are only distinguishable by their fixed mining speed, which is comparable to wool. Most strongholds have a spawner (for silverfish), an abundance of stone bricks, torches, chests with randomized loot, stone slabs, and blocks found mainly underground such as cobblestone.Ī hazard worthy of note that is found inside strongholds is the silverfish, which have 8 health.
Up to 128 strongholds spawn per map on Java Edition, as of 1.9 (only three spawn in the Xbox and PS3 editions). Unless you place more End Crystals or summon one.An example of a cave system intersecting with a stronghold. That will make sure that the Ender Dragon doesn't draw health. A Nether Crystal or a weapon will destroy the End Crystals. Tip: Have armor, a weapon, and I suggest a shield also. Please take this in consideration before entering the portal. But if you build another End Portal you might be obstruct. Also there is no way to get out unless you die, kill the Ender Dragon or turn your game mode to creative and build another End Portal. So you should probably have another player outside of the End Portal to teleport to. This means you will be teleported to a random place in the Minecraft world. If you defeat the Ender Dragon you might be obstruct. If it didn't work you should check back at the before hand steps and look for mistakes that you might have made! You can explore the End biome and try to defeat the Ender Dragon! You may also wanna find the End City! In the End City you may find an End ship that contains elytra! You have officially finished the End Portal.